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Why do I need a land survey of my property ?

A beginner guide to understanding land surveying.

Lets explore the process.

First a few basics. Your individual residential property is a part of a larger system. The written description found on your property deed is represented by physical monuments on the ground. The location of these monuments is done by a professional surveyor and mapper. The conduct and expectations of your local surveyor and mapper are dictated by a State board of professional surveyors and mappers. The equipment deployed, methods and practices used, and the duration of your survey will vary based on certain factors. Some of these factors include:

  • The size of your property in acreage

  • The terrain conditions of your property

  • The amount of vegetation covering your properties footprint

  • The availability of public information and documentation on your property

  • Availability of physical access to your property

  • Project Deadline

  • Project Scope

  • Project Complexity

  • Description Type

The legal description of your property will most likely fall into one of the following categories:

  • Aliquot part descriptions

  • Meets and Bounds descriptions

  • Lot and block descriptions (part of a platted subdivision)

Each description type requires a slightly different approach to executing your residential or commercial boundary survey.

Lets break it down further.

In its simplest form, your boundary survey should physically confirm and document the legal boundaries of your property. If there is a dispute between you and one of your neighbors, your boundary survey will be used as evidence in any legal proceedings settling that dispute. Investing in real estate properties without obtaining the information needed to investigate possible issues with those properties is dangerous and potentially financially harmful to you.

Some others that may need land survey services include:

  • Real estate agents making multiple land transactions

  • Contractors or construction developers

  • Private residents looking to buy\sell property

  • Lawyers representing private clients in boundary disputes

  • Engineers looking for accurate data on existing site conditions

  • Banking professionals involved in loans for Land acquisitions

Below are a few things you can expect, when your survey is completed by Repset Survey.

  • A receipt of payment for services rendered.

  • A signed and sealed survey showing results of fieldwork.

  • Visible marking of your corner positions

  • Recovery or replacement of ALL of your described property corners

  • Identification of your structure and existing improvements on the property, tied to your legal boundary.

  • Identification of the adjoining parcels.

  • Identification of any discrepancies with the legal description and your physical occupation of the land.

  • Identification of your flood zone, Community Number, Map Panel and Base Flood elevation if applicable.

  • Identification of your housing zone and applicable setbacks for property construction.

If there is another issue that is bothering you about your property submit your question to #Boundary #Surveying

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