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helpful hints for the aspiring entrepreneur.

1. Good equipment pays for itself.

The very first equipment setup I purchased was low-end and inexpensive, while this purchase was instrumental in getting my foot in the door, it was not without limitations. When I was able to invest in better equipment, I was able to see noticeable gains in productivity and efficiency. Knowing when to upgrade is a tough decision for any company that is operating on a limited budget but know that with the proper research and knowledge about your industry needs, you can tackle this task and give your business the upgrade it deserves. If you choose wisely the return on your investment should exceed your purchase price over time.

First total Station (Nikon NPL-322+ P Series Total Station)

Upgrade (Spectra Precision Robotic Total Station Focus 35 Robotic)

2. Organize before you expand.

While it is every entrepreneur's dream to have a thriving business that runs without much maintenance, it simply takes time. Finding the right projects, clients, and employees can be a difficult task for even the most seasoned businesses so choose wisely when you are testing these areas of the market. Bringing in multiple employees before you have infrastructure, budget, or organization to support the expansion will only lead to problems with your business moving forward.

3. Treat folks the way you would like to be treated.

It is wishful thinking to believe every project will go perfect, sometimes problems arise that are out of your control. This should not affect how you treat people. Consistency in your client relationships allows for clear communication and relationship building that can help your businesses survive and thrive. It feels good when everyone leaves happy, not because of some gimmick or trick, but because you are offering an honest product or service that is consistent and exceeds your customers' expectations.

4. Roll with the punches

When things get hectic and it seems like there are fires everywhere that need to be put out, don't get overwhelmed. There are only so many things one person can reasonably do within a 24-hour period. Instead prioritize the task at hand and focus on them one at a time, if possible. Enjoy the satisfaction of crossing a task off the list, as opposed to jumping between several task without much progress on any of them. Do not dwell on mistakes, instead treat them as growth opportunities that allow your business to improve and better serve your customers.

5. Research your competitor's pricing

While it should not be a driving factor in how your business estimates potential work, it is helpful to have an idea of how other business offering similar services approach pricing. In industries like surveying sometimes pricing can vary widely between companies. Often times we think of delivering services like three points on a triangle. The points are Speed, Price, and Quality. Most likely your service provider will be able to hit 2 out of the three points on the triangle on any given project without issue. For example, as a customer, if you want your service fast and cheap, then it is likely that the quality will suffer. Another example would be quality is great, turnover time is great, but the price is high in comparison to others, you get the picture. These are just a few of the many factors that go into customer pricing.

6. Execute and Deliver.

We are only as good as our last product or service. It is important that we execute and deliver what we agree to with our customers. If there is an issue with a service that you have provided, push the ego aside and address the issue promptly. Additionally, clarify any scope of work questions you may have on the front end of the project to avoid time delays and cost increases. Finally, be clear in your communication of price and timeline and manage expectations to be in line with realistic goals that you can hit. Deliver as promised.

The learning never stops.

This is a subject I could write pages and pages on because honestly the learning never stops. We believe training is important for employees at all levels from bottom to top. At Repset Survey we are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community while improving ourselves within the Land Surveying profession. If you are purchasing or developing in the Marion County area and need survey services, feel free to stop by and GET A QUOTE.

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